Wilkerson Weekly

January 25th, 2019

God has shown himself in amazing ways; we have prayer requests and praises!

  1. God provided for us in an amazing unexpected way this week through a member in our church! We were extremely blessed by this act of love and praise God for an answer to prayer!!

  2. This past Thursday night we had two visitors at Vision from our workplace, Cracker Barrel! Please pray as we continue to witness where we are right now.

  3. We are asking for prayer for the Van Winkle family headed to Turkey in a few short days! http://truthtoturkey.com/

  4. Please keep our China missions team in your prayers this week. https://www.lightinchina.org/?p=2021&fbclid=IwAR0hweDGWiN7cH97R4MKR9nQELC-sXska3ZGMYBeKc83SNIlFJ9k3ZHGX08