We are so excited to be sending out our first report letter since being back on the field! We finished our short furlough and returned to Benin on January 25th. We spent the next month setting up our home, applying for our visas, hiring language tutors, buying a car, enrolling the kids in school, and accomplishing as much as possible to settle in. God had his hand in all of these details! We reached many of the goals we had set for the first month.
On February 27th we began Fon class. As many of you already know, this is the second language we will learn to better equip us for the work here in Benin. We have already learned French, which is a common trade language spoken across West Africa. Fon is a local language specific to southern Benin. Although French is understood fairly well in the cities, there are many villages and thousands of people that do not understand French at all. Even within the cities we have noticed a preference and love for the local language or “heart language”.
Fon is interesting, full of history and culture, and it’s fun to speak. But beyond all of this, Fon is a priceless tool for the gospel ministry. We are praying God will give us this language in one year. We have already had such incredible positive feedback and conversation just from the last two weeks of practicing. People are excited to help us learn! Please pray that God would help us grow in our abilities to speak, write, and read Fon.
Last month was filled with paperwork, errands, and more paperwork. Through all of this, God still opened doors for Gospel conversations. Waiting in line doesn’t have to be just waiting, it is often a great time to witness! Dozens of people have heard the Gospel clearly presented to them last month just in day to day witnessing.
I also have had the opportunity to visit a village and share the Gospel with all who were willing to come out and listen. We are thanking the Lord for each of these divine appointments. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we strive to faithfully serve Christ and joyfully do all he has called us to do!
Your Missionaries in Benin,
Nate, Emily, Azariah, Asher, and Alaska Wilkerson